AAyHH Planes de Estudio

Bachelor of Arts and Humanities Curriculum

The Bachelor of Arts and Humanities degree begins with 10 required and elective disciplinary courses based on three main aspects of the arts: creation; history, related to the recognition and reconstruction of heritage and cultural identity; and management.

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CCNNyMM Planes de Estudio

Bachelor of Natural Sciences and Mathematics Curriculum

The Bachelor of Natural Sciences and Mathematics degree begins with 11 required and elective disciplinary courses that seek to foster critical and analytical thinking, and that guarantee a breadth of knowledge in the area of Natural Sciences and Mathematics.

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CCSS Planes de Estudio

Bachelor of Social Sciences Curriculum

The Bachelor of Social Sciences degree begins with 11 required and elective disciplinary courses that study the behavior, interaction and links between people in one of the fundamental areas that constitute social life in its historical concreteness.

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